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WRITERS ' n all that
Jo Bell
Poet & writer Web site
Miriam A Bibby
Writer & Editor Facebook
Ian Coates
Writer & blogger. It's All In The Jeans
Brodie Curtis
Writer, War fiction Web site
Brett Evans
Poet & poetry editor for Prole. Published at Indigo Dreams
Norman Hadley
Poet & writer Web site
Adrian Horn
Writer, historian, OU lecturer
Author page
Esmeralda Mac's Cumbrian Folklore blog - myths and history, far more interesting than the fictions that have been woven around them.
Zoe Sharp
Crime novelist Web site
Angela Topping
Poet & educator
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Businesses that we like
Fellow Authors | Publishers | Booksellers | Local Writers' Groups & Blogs | Ponies, Carriage Driving |
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I invite fellow writers to send me one link to their work or their web site. E-mail me your details and I'll put them in the sidebar over on the right >>>. I'd be grateful for a reciprocal link to this site,
Prole Books
Independent producers of poetry and prose in the form of a literary magazine (3 times a year) and poetry pamphlets and collections. They receive no grants or subsidies but they sell enough to pay their authors and their products have received good reviews. They published Ash Tree for me in 2013. Visit the Prole Books web site.
Hayloft Publishing Ltd
Hayloft produce local and national titles, mostly with countryside, walking and historical themes. Since Hayloft was started in 1988 it has published more than a hundred books.
Hayloft has had several books short-listed in the Lakeland Book of the Year Awards and five went on to win in their categories: Lakeland in the 1830s, Walking on Bridges, 104 Men, Stone Circles of Cumbria and Hoofprints in Eden. Visit Hayloft's web site.
Jane Badger Books
Equestrian Bookseller and author Jane Badger describes herself as "a time-poor bookdealer with a life long pony obsession." She specialises in English language horse and pony fiction and has recently taken the plunge into publishing. Visit Jane Badger's web site.
The Book Lounge
Light, airy sit-and-chat-with-coffee bookshop at 12, Main Street, Kirkby Lonsdale. Facebook page
Cowan Bridge Tea Room
Local Shop and Tea Room near Kirkby Lonsdale. Home made food and they sell local books too! Facebook page
Hedgehog Books
Great Dockray, Penrith, Cumbria. Visit their web site and Facebook page.
King's Bookshop
Callander, Scotland. A general secondhand and antiquarian bookshop with a bindery (for the shop's use only). Sally has a new novel out, Wildgoose, published by Red Squirrel. Facebook page
Local Writers' Groups (Cumbria & North Lancs)
Shap Writers
At the Old Courthouse, Shap; monthly workshops, led by Susan Allen, via Wordsworth Trust, Grasmere.
Novelists' group meets once a month to support each other with works-in-progress. Contact Deborah Swift for details. Facebook page
Kendal Writers' Cafe
Meets monthly in Kendal to critique, share tips, hear guest speakers, work towards publication. Web site.
Local Festivals & Arts groups (Cumbria & North Lancs)
Words by the Water festival in Keswick - the north west of England's premier festival of words and ideas, run by Ways with Words.
Litfest - Lancashire's literary festival, and a wealth of info for writers.
Eden Arts / New Writing Cumbria - website, e-letter, Word Mess and more. Crackers - but in a nice way.
Borderlines - Autumn litfest in Carlisle.
Ponies, Carriage Driving
The Fell Pony Society - to foster and keep pure the old breed of pony which has roamed the northern fells for years and to circulate knowledge and general information about the pony breed.
The Fell Pony Museum - celebrates the ponies of the Lake District, who have worked and travelled through history and whose breed has been known for over a century as "the Fell".
British Driving Society - to encourage and assist those interested in the Driving of Equine Animals.
North West Driving Club - to foster good horsemanship and friendship amongst all drivers of harnessed horses and ponies in the North West of the UK.
Fiction : Dragon Bait * Against the Odds * Scratch * Coachman * The Forthright Saga * String of Horses * Non-Fiction & Essays : Hoofprints in Eden * A Century of Fells * One Fell Swoop * Ponies with Wheels * Horses in the Garden * Fell Facts & Fell Fun * Short Stories : The Twisted Stair * Keeping On * Poetry : Ash Tree * Ruby Wedding * Galloway Gate * Samples! * Jackdaw : About the Author * Blog * News & Events * Services * For Overseas Purchasers * Links * Home